Privacy Policy


This policy covers how (trading as ‘KinksCloset Sex Toys’ and hereinafter referred to as “KinksCloset Sex Toys”) respects your privacy and secures your personal information.

By visiting and using the KinksCloset Sex Toys website (herinafter referred to as the “Site”) you hereby acknowledge and consent to the terms of our Privacy Policy in conjunction with the Sites Terms and Conditions, in which the Privacy Policy is a part.

Please contact us via email ( if you have any concerns, complaints or questions in relation to the information provided in the Privacy Policy.

Information we collect

You provide us with information when filling out a form, placing an order, participating in a forum, entering a competition, completing a survey, direct messaging us through our social media platforms and/or reporting a problem with our site.

The information that you provide may include your name, mailing address, email address and phone number.

The following information may be collected, but will not contain any information from which you can be identified – technical information, IP address, browser type and operating system type. Further information about your visit to the Site such as how you found us, date and time, your country, products you viewed and searched for, page response times, download errors and page interactions. This information is necessary to improve our Site for a better experience for all users.

Storage and use of information

We use the information that you provide to effectively prepare and ship your order to your nominated address.

You will receive an email from us confirming your order has been placed and informing when your parcel has been shipped with tracking information.

If there is an issue with your order then you will receive an email from us outlining the problem and provide you with options for a solution.

At no time will we rent, share or sell any information we collect about you or your order to any third parties. This information is confidential and will remain strictly with us.

If you provide us with your mailing address through email or social media channels to receive promotional items or products we will use it to ship out the order and then delete your shipping information once the parcel has arrived.

Your personal information is inputted to our Australia Post account to create the necessary shipping labels for your parcel.

All information you provide is stored on our secured servers. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet may not be completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorised access.

We do not receive any of your payment details when you pay via Credit Card or Paypal. These are managed by our partners, Stripe or Paypal and have their own Privacy Policies and Terms & Conditions.

Subscription emails

You may select the option on the Site to receive promotional and newsletter emails from us.

If you select this option your name and email address are added to our list and you will be sent our newsletters and updates.

If you no longer wish to be a part of this mailing list then all you have to do is click unsubscribe at the bottom of any of the emails we have sent you.

Review Emails

By purchasing a product from KinksCloset Sex Toys you are giving consent to receive an email with an invitation for you to review the product purchased.

Policy changes

If there are any changes to this policy they will be added to this page. Therefore, please check back frequently to see if there have been any updates or changes to our Privacy Policy. If needed we will inform you via email if there is a significant change or issue that will affect you.