5 Things I Learned About Sex This Year
Sep 15 2020 0 Comments Natasha Griffin

5 Things I Learned About Sex This Year

I have written and researched sexuality a lot this year, and although I’ve been writing on this topic for over 10 years now, there’s always something new to learn. Although I might have mentioned the things on this list before, and although sometimes I might have made it sound that I knew them all along, I did learn and practiced these following things in the past year. If you are willing to work and improve on your sex life, alone or together with your partner, these five insights that I’ve learned might help you a lot. So, let’s cut to the chase and see what sex advices this year thought us on this blog.


  1. Guys In Their 20s Can’t Get It Up

While I was researching on a project about erectile disfunctions, I have noticed lots of young men, no older than 25, who were asking for help on forums. They all went through a scary period for any men in his youth. Being in your 20s and having erectile disfunction issues is a strong reality check. And for many of them, two main causes were the culprit. The first was anxiety and depression. It turns out that the youth of our age are really tense, which can raise some problems in the bedroom. But the main cause, according to many psychologists, is the huge amount of porn young men are consuming. The way it affects the erection is interesting and very logical. Men spend more time with porn than they do with real women. And the porn their consuming becomes more and more extreme, to the point that real life sex doesn’t do it for them anymore. The solution is a simple one. Just cut down the porn. I’m not talking about taking it out of your life completely, but a two weeks break followed by light indulgence can rewire your brain back to normal settings and bring back those rock-hard erections when with a real woman.


  1. Men Accepting Anal Play

On the other hand, porn and the internet also play a role in normalizing some sexual behaviors, and it turns out that men all over the world are finally accepting that anal play can be enjoyed in a heterosexual relationship. The sales of prostate massagers and strap ons for pegging has sky rocketed and testimonials of men indulging in anal play with their girlfriends or wives are popping up all over sex talk forums.




  1. Rim Jobs Are A Thing

If last year was the year of ass worshiping, in which men were burying their faces between the ass cheeks of their ladies, this year was time to return the favor. Girlfriends and wives started playing the rusty trombone, and it’s also because it became normalized on the internet. I just hope that the internet also thought men some self-care for the place where the Sun doesn’t shine.


  1. There Are Swinger Paradises

After a certain age, couples start looking for other people to help them spice up their sex life. But not all couples are willing to invite friends in their bedroom or hit the local swingers club. However, some entrepreneurs have come with the solution. There are swinging and nude resorts all over the world, which are basically huge hotels with pools and lots of facilities in exotic destinations like Jamaica or Brazil, where adventurous couples can indulge in no strings attached sex with other couples. The fact that people are on holiday helps them ease in the acceptance of seeing the loved one having sex with somebody else. If you want to feel even more liberated, maybe go for a swinging cruise.




  1. Communication and Trust

But probably the most important thing I learned this year is how to have an open dialogue about sexuality with your partner. Both when it comes to sensitive topics and when it comes to sexual experimentation, I learned and tested methods on how to bring up subjects and how to talk about them. I’ve written many guides on how to talk to your partner about your problems and naughty desires that you find difficult to share. You can check them all on this blog and I’m sure you will find the help you’re looking for.


So, here you have it. The things that your beloved writer has learned about sex this year. Let me know if these are new things for you or if I were in the dark here and you knew them all along. Until next time, enjoy yourself!

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