5 Things I Learned About Sex This Year
Sep 15 2020 0 Comments Natasha Griffin

5 Things I Learned About Sex This Year

I have written and researched sexuality a lot this year, and although I’ve been writing on this topic for over 10 years now, there’s always something new to learn. Although I might have mentioned the things on this list before, and although sometimes I might have made it sound that I knew them all along, I did learn and practiced these...

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Anal Intercourse Introducing Anal Sex
Sep 02 2020 0 Comments Natasha Griffin

Anal Intercourse Introducing Anal Sex

When you and your partner are looking for new ways to enjoy sex, one of the first proposals will always be anal sex. The anus has thousands of nerve endings that can make the touching or the penetration of the area feel amazing. But that’s only if it’s done right.    Many couples are trying anal sex once or twice and then they go thei...

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